

Since the month of May when he joined us, our Director of Training and Welfare, Mr Paul Davis, has hit the ground running and has been facilitating various training sessions and workshops in Harare and Bulawayo for both teaching and non-teaching staff in our member schools . He has also introduced a new platform which most have welcomed in the form of hosting online coffee sessions in the morning between 07h30 and 08h00. Various education and subject matter experts have been invited to share insights and kickstart discussions on topical issues in the education space. Below is a list of some of the training sessions that have been conducted:


Topic & Facilitator


Online / Venue






Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th  All day

Cricket Masterclass –  Gary Brent/ZC


Harare Sports Club

Sports’ Coaches

Monday 5th to Thursday 8th 

Bridging the Gap – GTC (flyer attached)


Gateway Training College

Teaching StaG

Friday 9th

0800 – 1600 

HCP Workshop


Hellenic Academy

Health Care Workers / San Sisters

Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd

Cambridge Professional Development Workshops


AIEC Training Centre

Teaching StaG

Saturday 24th  0900 – 1100 

NILD Zimbabwe’s Conference (flyer attached)


St Christopher’s

Teaching StaG




Topic & Facilitator

Online / Venue





Tuesday 1st  0730 – 0800 


Nikki Crouch

Coffee online

Academic Heads

Thursday 3rd 0730 – 0800 

Music Matters & being part of the school family 

Owen Chimuka

Coffee online

Music Teachers

Tuesday 8th 0730 – 0800 

Teacher Evaluation  Lorraine Hill

Coffee online

Heads, Deputy Heads & Academic Heads

Wednesday 9th 0830 – 1230

Future Ready Schools: Embracing Change &

Innovation (half day workshop) with Kudzai Deve

ATS Office

Primary School Heads

Thursday 10th 0730 – 0800 

Navigating the School Sport Space  Guy Elliot

Coffee online

Sports’ Coaches

Tuesday 15th  0730 – 0800

Feedback from HMC 

Jon Trafford & John Farrelly

Coffee online 


Wednesday 16th  0730 – 0800

Handling Heads  Tim Middleton

Coffee Online 

Board Chairs

Wednesday 23rd 0730 – 0800 

Leadership & Decision-making 

Christen Killick

Coffee online


Thursday 24th 0730 – 0800 

Time to Take a Breath  Fiona Mills

Coffee online


Thursday 24th 1730 – 1900

Morocco Expedition Presentation  Andrew Shoesmith

Hartmann House

Staff responsible for outdoor education   (parents also welcome) 

Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th

New Heads’ Induction

ATS Office

New Heads in ATS Schools


“Empowering relevant, high-quality, holistic education in member, non-profit independent schools”




Topic & Facilitator

Online / Venue





Tuesday 5th  0730 – 0800 

Dynamics of Drama  Chipo Chikara-Nyoni

Coffee online

Academic staff

Thursday 7th  0730 – 0800 

Empowering pupils with In-Demand Tech Skills   Jo Brink (TechWays)

Coffee online

Academic Heads 

Tuesday 12th 0730 – 0800

Everyone seems to be my boss Paul Davis

Coffee online

Estate Managers

Wednesday 13th 

0730 – 0800 & 

1330 – 1400

Financial Wellbeing  Shalom Govero 

Coffee online

All teachers

Thursday 14th  0800 – 1230 

Career Counselling Workshop Emma King & Kim Rodriguez

ATS Office/Chisipite Senior 

Career Counsellors 

Tuesday 19th  09 00 – 1200 

Chaplain Workshop

Tim Middleton/Craig Roberts

ATS Office

Chaplains & those responsible for spiritual wellbeing of the school

Thursday 21st 0730 – 0800 

Just another deadline…….

Sandy Rheeder (CFO, Mukuru)

Coffee online

Bursars & financial staff

Tuesday 26th  0730 – 0800

Use of Self for Effective Leadership and Closing out


Rufaro Maunze-Bhebhe

Coffee online

Heads, senior management and aspiring staff